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Finding talent for your company can be a considerable challenge. Working with us gives you access to our talented students. Not only are they academically savvy, but they are also encouraged to think outside the box, make connections and be critical.

Through teaching assignments, internships and collaborative projects, you will be able to work with our students who often provide innovative solutions. In addition, you will contribute to workforce development.

What are your possibilities?
  • Offer internships, (junior) vacancies and traineeships and connect with students

    Internships allow bachelor’s and master’s students to gain relevant experience and companies can receive valuable insights and a connection with young talent. Companies who hire our students can get high-quality and practical, relevant solutions to their challenges. You can also find great candidates and connect with them for your (junior) vacancies and traineeships. Free of charge, you can post your internships, (junior) vacancies or  traineeships on the exclusive Career Portal for UvA Economics and Business students or UvA’s Job Board.

    EB Career Portal

    UvA Job Board

    UvA Job Board is the platform for all UvA students and recent graduates. You can create an account as a company or alumnus.

  • Bring real life business challenges into the classroom

    Is your company facing (or has it recently solved) a challenge that you would like to share with students? Are you looking for fresh insights from our bright students or would like our students to solve a case? 

    If so, you can contact our Amsterdam Living Case Lab or AI4Business Lab. They offer platforms for collaboration with companies and institutions to work on real-world challenges, stimulating new insights and practical solutions.

  • Conduct small-scale scientific research in collaboration with students

    When you work with students, you can conduct small-scale scientific research or experiments. Student can do this as a part of their thesis with or at the organisation. Depending on the type of research question, this might be a student from one department or even from different department or institutes. Please contact us by email if you are interested in meeting our talent.

  • Create a partnership with our study associations

    UvA Economics and Business has four study associations: SEFAVSAEFSA, and MAA. They are specialised in different industries, and therefore reach a more specific group of students. On their websites you can read more about how you can create partnerships, post vacancies, or participate in events that may be interesting for your company.


If you have any questions, please get in touch with us, by sending us an email.